Law No. 108/2022: implications for auto distribution

fQuintegia, with the support of Findomestic Banca and Nobis Assicurazioni, presented an in-depth study on Law No. 108/2022, titled “La disciplina della distribuzione automobilistica,” at the latest Automotive Dealer Day in Verona. (Available only in Italian) This study, drafted… by Lawyer Marco A. Grilli of the Grilli Law and Tax Firm, offers a detailed analysis…

A Service Day 2024, three studies to discover new business opportunities.

The Quintegia event, born from an idea by AsConAuto, focuses on content and stands as the only dedicated event in Italy capable of capturing the sector and offering concrete tools and solutions to its leaders and operators. Service Day, scheduled for October 24th and 25th at the Centro Congressi Veronafiere, will be the stage where…

Service Management Academy: The New Frontier of Training for Automotive After-Sales

Automotive Dealer Day saw Quintegia and AsConAuto present the Service Management Academy, an intensive training program designed for after-sales professionals in the automotive industry. This course, designed to update and enhance skills, offers practical and concrete tools to tackle the current and future challenges of the industry.  Overview of the Automotive After-Sales Market  The automotive…

DealerSTAT 2024: Toyota Triumphs as the No.1 Brand for Italian Dealers

Toyota wins the 2024 DealerSTAT award as the No.1 brand for Italian dealers, breaking a three-year streak where Porsche was the award’s winner. This was revealed in the twenty-first edition of DealerSTAT, the annual study by Quintegia that measures the satisfaction level of dealers in their relationships with automotive manufacturers. At the top of the…

Automotive Dealer Day 2024: Innovation and Success for the Future of Mobility

The 22nd edition of the Automotive Dealer Day – House of Mobility concluded with significant results, confirming its role as a benchmark event in the automotive distribution industry in Europe. This year, we achieved outstanding results both in terms of participation and content, solidifying our role as a benchmark in the international landscape. Automotive Dealer…