About us


Innovation via Research, Competences and Networking

Since 2003, Quintegia has been a point of reference for the automotive ecosystem, carrying out various activities serving the main players in the distribution chain (car makers, dealers and providers).
Besides its in-depth vertical knowledge developed in the automotive industry, Quintegia also explores other businesses by fostering cross-industry contamination in order to fine-tune and rethink business models in a strategy innovation perspective.


Quintuplo: the new Quintegia Strategy in 5 key points

In 2022, Quintegia planned and implemented a new and challenging strategy to support car distribution operators in this phase of change, identifying five main areas.

Retail Channels

Study and specific knowledge of the automotive distribution models, including surveys on the dealers' satisfaction level and network assessments. Research on new retail formats and focus on the evolution of EVs and new mobility formulas, with advisory and training activities.

Tech / Digital

Supporting the growth of skills and performances of dealership networks on issues related to digital transformation through analysis, training and coaching. Specific know-how on topics related to Artificial Intelligence and offer of cutting-edge services.


Analysis and research on automotive consumer behaviors and attitudes to provide strategic and operational guidance on building the customer journey, taking into account soft and hard aspects with a data-driven approach.


Measuring the level of sustainability of dealership networks and planning of specific activities to raise the awareness at all company levels. Advisoring on ESG compliance activities, including the preparation of the sustainability report.


Activities to upgrade and empower the skills of human resources in the automotive industry, including the offer of research and recruitment services to identify new professional profiles for the dealerships; activities of induction, training, reskilling and retention.

Do you want to innovate your business?

Avv. Marco Grilli

Legal Counsel

Marco A. Grilli, lawyer, auditor, author, consultant and lecturer, graduated in Law at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ and started his professional experience in the automotive industry in 1985. Before founding his own firm, he gained professional experience in Italian and international firms. Specialising in EU, corporate and tax matters, he has also been actively involved in the banking industry.


Since its inception, Quintegia has always pursued a networking activity with leading dealer associations and international research institutions, forging long-lasting relationships, that position Quintegia as a globally recognized player.

International Relations

“There are no mature industries, only strategies to innovate.”

Giuseppe Volpato

Past Professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and Quintegia co-founder

“Prof. Volpato, who passed away in 2012, had started in the 1970s to study the automotive industry becoming one of the most widely known experts in Italy and abroad. His innate curiosity, the scientific method, constant interaction with industry players and an international perspective were characters strongly influencing the DNA of Quintegia, the company that he co-founded and that proudly preserves his scientific heritage.”


Work with us

Setting the goal of becoming the partner for companies in the automotive industry, we were faced with the desire to equip ourselves with the right skills by trying to mix the expertise that our team has accumulated over 20 years alongside the automotive industry with new competences from outside, perhaps even from sectors adhering to our own.

Quintegia, moreover, has activated growth and training paths aimed at those resources entering the working world with the aim of creating a real incubator where people can grow, build a beam of knowledge and access dedicated professional paths.


Work with us

If you think of being the right person for us, discover the open positions and write to us.

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