18 March 2022

Quintegia DNS: Mapping the Situation of Networks in Italy

Quintegia, also for 2022, has analyzed and mapped the state of the art of the automotive distribution situation thanks to the Dealer Network Study, the observatory among the main car dealership networks operating in the Italian market, in order to understand what the strategic orientation of the car manufacturers under consideration might be. The Report is based on a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the structure of authorized car networks, both in sales and after-sales.

There are 1,200 car dealerships in Italy at the beginning of 2022, belonging to just over 900 entrepreneurs. The represented sales mandates are about 2.450 for over 4.050 signs in the territory, corresponding to 2.550 physical locations. This means that each entrepreneur owns on average 2.7 brands, in as many locations (2.8), with 4.5 signs.


Compared to last year, the networks have remained fairly stable in terms of coverage (-1%), entrepreneurial concentration has slowed down in the trend compared to the past (-3%), while internal turnover within the networks continues, due to the entry and exit of dealers, to the extent of 4-5%. In numerical terms, this means that in the last year, about 60 corporate names and 180 sales mandates have changed in the entrepreneurs’ brand portfolio.

If we look at the longer-term trend, compared to 10 years ago, the entrepreneurs who have exited the market are even 50%, with different proportions in terms of mandates and coverage (decreased by around 25%). The effect over the years of the progressive entrepreneurial concentration is clearly evident when considering that in 2012 each entrepreneur represented an average of only 1.8 brands, in 2.1 locations, with fewer than 3 signs in the territory.

Contact Quintegia at the email address ricerche@quintegia.it to get all the details on the available Studies.